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Sheena's Battle with Breast Cancer and Empowering Lessons for Moms
Welcome back to another episode of The Mom-entum Podcast! I’m your host, Tanya Valentine, and today, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I’m joined by my best friend, Sheena Giordano, who is not only a mom of two beautiful girls but also a breast cancer survivor.
In this episode, Sheena shares her deeply personal journey—from discovering her first symptom, to her diagnosis at the young age of 31, to her treatment and recovery. As a mom of a 1-year-old and 3-year-old at the time, Sheena had to navigate the emotional and physical challenges of breast cancer while still being present for her family. She reflects on how important it is to listen to your gut, do regular self-exams, and advocate for yourself, even if it means getting a second opinion.
We dive into how we, as moms, often gaslight ourselves and ignore warning signs because we feel we don’t have time. But Sheena’s story serves as a powerful reminder that taking care of yourself isn’t just worth it—it’s necessary. The time you take for self-care could end up being the most important time of all… your life.
In addition to sharing her personal story, Sheena offers guidance and encouragement for anyone going through a similar experience. If you’d like to reach out to her for support or ask any questions, you can find her on Instagram at @sheen56.
In this episode, we discuss:
• The symptom that led Sheena to seek medical treatment.
• What it was like to be diagnosed with breast cancer at 31.
• The treatment and recovery process while being a mom to young children.
• The importance of trusting your instincts and advocating for your health.
• How we moms often neglect ourselves, and why self-care should be a priority.
Resources Mentioned:
• How to perform a breast self-exam
• How often should you be screened for breast cancer/breast cancer screening guidelines:
Sponsor Shoutouts:
A huge thank you to all the amazing businesses that supported the breast cancer awareness event I attended last week, hosted by my cousin Nicole and her newly launched foundation, Organized Angels (@organized.angels). This was the first of what I believe will be many impactful events she puts on. They are going to do so much good in the world, and I’m excited to witness it and hopefully help out with future events as well!
• Kendra Alley from Barre Alley @barrealley: Offering virtual Barre classes. Check out her Instagram for updates and free classes on her YouTube channel.
• Fungtion (@letsfungtion)(website: letsfungtion.com): Selling functional mushroom supplements for energy, focus, and calm, plus some amazing merchandise. Their sweatsuit is my go-to, with its super comfy fit and convenient zipper pockets.
• Sara Justice (@sarajusticepmu): A luxury cosmetic tattoo artist based in Atlanta. If you’re in the area and looking for eyebrow or eyelash enhancements, Sara is your girl!
• Amber Klein (@heart.centered.journey) : A massage therapist offering somatic bodywork and breathwork. Her chair massage at the event was beyond relaxing.
@jusgetsfit @bondiboost @charettecosmetics @cleanskinclub @cymbiotika @drinkpoppi @elemis @kinfield @lesserevilsnacks @drinklmnt @olaplex @thepatchbrand @setactive @smartsweets @weezieatlanta @skin_pharm @regenmd_
Thank you to everyone who made this event a success! You can find more information about each of the sponsors by clicking on the corresponding links!
Tune in for this inspiring conversation and take away the reminder that your health and well-being matter. Don’t forget to do your self-exams, get regular checkups, and most importantly, trust yourself!
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Hello and welcome to another episode of the Mom-entum podcast, the show dedicated to inspiring, uplifting and empowering women on their journey through motherhood. I’m your host, Tanya Valentine, and I’m so excited you are here with me today. So I’m now officially on my biweekly schedule of releasing new episodes, meaning I will be releasing new episodes every other week instead of the previous weekly schedule. I hope you all will continue to listen and it is my promise to you that I will always be here for support, guidance, love, whatever you need, don’t hesitate to reach out.
I also want to give a big shout out and thank you to my cousin Nicole, who invited me to be apart of the breast cancer awareness event she hosted yesterday (which at the time this podcast airs it will have been a week ago). But she put on the most amazing event. And so much thought and detail was put into it from the back drop to the decorations, and the activities she had planned for everyone to the food. It was all amazing! And a big shout out to all of the vendors and the sponsors who donated the money, time, effort and products for this event, you all are amazing and generous and a big thank you to you.
I’ll be sure to include these businesses in the show notes for this episode but off the top of my head Kendra ALLEY was there from Barre Alley, make sure you follow her, she teaches virtual Barre classes which you will find her stuff on her IG but she was saying that she plans on posting more free classes on her YouTube channel. So if she hasn’t already started doing that, keep an eye out for that because I know you will love her and you will get such a good work out, but it’s not like running or anything that’s hard on your joints, it’s more like for lenghtening and sculpting your body I would say.
And then fungtion was there. They sell functional mushroom supplements for energy, focus and libido, as well as a separate elixir that’s for calming, and heart opening, they also have really cool merchandise. The sweatsuit I have from them is actually my favorite pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt that match. They are first of all, super comfortable, and second of all I love the look of them. My favorite thing about them are the pockets, the sweatpants have zipper pockets and the sweatshirt even has a zipper pocket for your phone, which is super convenient.
So they were there, who else? Sara Justice was there, she lives in ATL (which that’s where the event was BTW) but she does luxury cosmetic tattoos, and I was able to speak with her and get to know her a little bit and she is absolutely beautiful inside and out, and she gave me some excellent recommendations for my eyebrows and eyelashes which I am so grateful for. She told me about these products I can use to help my eyelashes and eyebrows grow thicker, so if you're interested in knowing the name of those products just send me a DM and I’ll let you know. And if you are in the Atlanta area and looking for cosmetic tattoes, Sara Justice is your girl, go find her. Also, I had the most relaxing chair massage by Amber Klein. She does massage, somatic body work, breath work and so much more.
As I said, I will post everyone’s information and links in the show notes which you can check out by going to tanyavalentinecoaching.com/57. And if you are interested in seeing footage from the event you can find that on my IG and FB page.
Now, onto today’s show. So speaking of breast cancer awareness, in honor of this being breast cancer awareness month I asked my best friend, Sheena, who is a Mom of 2 girls and breast cancer survivor, to come on the show and share her story. She was so generous with her time, squeezing this in while her daughter’s were in dance class. And I’m so appreciative that she took the time to do this. This is such an important topic to both Sheena and myself, and we hope that whoever listens to this episode walks away feeling empowered enough to make the decisions that will ultimately lead to the best outcomes for their health.
In this episode Sheena shares what it was like for her to receive the diagnosis at the age of 31 when her girls were only 1 and 3, and she shares the importance of advocating for yourself, listening to your gut, and not being afraid to get a second opinion. Let me just stress that the intention of this episode is not to instill fear. I mean Sheena was diagnosed so young.
However, she was able to catch it early enough that she was able to ensure the best outcome possible, she has her life, she didn’t need chemo, and she is healthy today 5 years later.
But really what we want women to know is, you are not alone, and if you suspect something, you are worth taking the time to take care of yourself. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Go for your regular check ups, and do your self examinations, I mean not obsessively that this becomes the focus of your attention. But just be aware and know that you are worth taking the time to take care of yourself.
Alright, without further ado, here’s my conversation with my beautiful, bold friend, Sheena Giordano.
Tanya: All right, Sheena. Ready? All right, Sheena! Welcome to the momentum. Podcast thank you. So so much for coming on today.
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Sheena Giordano: Thank you so much for having me.
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Tanya: I appreciate you taking the time to do this, and on a Saturday.
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Sheena Giordano: Anytime.
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Tanya: Yeah, it's class absolutely
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Tanya: alright. Well, can you 1st start by introducing yourself to the audience.
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Sheena Giordano: Yeah, sure. Of course, my name is Sheena. I am 38 years old. I live in Massachusetts. I have 2 girls.
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Sheena Giordano: One is 6, and one is 8, and I am married.
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Sheena Giordano: and
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Sheena Giordano: that's a little bit about who I am.
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Tanya: Yeah, and then the reason. Why? Well, 1st of all, you are my best friend. And it's been a whole year that I've been doing this podcast now. And
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Tanya: I can't believe a whole year has gone by and I haven't even had you on. But the reason why you're on today is because it is October
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Tanya: and in honor of breast cancer awareness month
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Tanya: with you being a breast cancer survivor. We were talking, and we thought it would be perfect to have you on the show and talk a little bit about your experience.
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Sheena Giordano: So I'm honored to be a guest for such
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Sheena Giordano: a big month in my life that I never knew was going to be that significant in my life. But yes, breast cancer awareness. Month is October.
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Sheena Giordano: and I thank you so much for having me as a guest. Speaker on your podcast
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Tanya: Yeah, I think this is gonna be really powerful and
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Tanya: just eye opening for the women listening. Because,
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Tanya: I think we all can fall into this way of thinking where
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Tanya: on one side of it, we might. We could worry too much about. You know the bad things that could happen.
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Tanya: And on the other side of it
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Tanya: you have this way of think or not, you. But we all have this way of thinking that you know bad things don't happen to me. They only happen to other people, or you know it.
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Tanya: That'll happen like we. I don't have to worry about that now like that is like, only that only happens to older people.
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Sheena Giordano: Right with that, like one size fits all mentality. For example, I you're supposed to get mammograms at 40, and why.
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Tanya: Yeah.
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Sheena Giordano: You know, what's the logic like? Did they just throw a dart at a board and was like, alright 40 is the magic number, you know. Why not implement
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Sheena Giordano: early detection? Why not 30, you know, even if you do have dense breasts at a younger age.
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Sheena Giordano: Okay, so do the MRI. Don't do the mammogram, but for everybody with a history of without
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Sheena Giordano: had myself, had I not had a symptom
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Sheena Giordano: here, I would be roughly approaching my 40th birthday, and my life would be
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Sheena Giordano: well. I don't know. I would.
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Tanya: Don't hold.
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Sheena Giordano: Would probably be leading towards being dead, because at this point, and it sounds drastic, and it sounds like Oh, my goodness.
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Sheena Giordano: that's a little dramatic, but in my instance
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Sheena Giordano: it will, when we discovered it was everywhere, so had I just waited and let it manifest and do its thing, and just followed the protocol of 40 year old mammogram.
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Sheena Giordano: It would have been a totally different life for me, so
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Sheena Giordano: I guess the biggest message in
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Sheena Giordano: sharing with you today as well as whoever else listens is.
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Sheena Giordano: don't be afraid to go, for you know, early detection or a baseline, and I know it gets difficult because we have insurance, and then we have some doctors that don't want to push for the, you know, insurance to pay for, say, a mammogram or an MRI.
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Sheena Giordano: But why not right? What's what's the harm? And doctors know how to work insurances by this day and age you write a certain thing, and most likely it will be covered. You pay a percentage whatever, however, it factors out, but as being
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Sheena Giordano: your doctor and making sure that you know to keep your mind at ease. Just write the sentence that says, you know patient is
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Sheena Giordano: experiencing discomfort or pain, or whatever whatever is going to get it covered. So just to give your patient peace of mind, because I would think
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Sheena Giordano: from a clinical standpoint, you would want to know. You did everything for that patient because of all those. What ifs that can just.
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Sheena Giordano: Wander in your mind after the fact.
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Tanya: Right.
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Tanya: and prevent future complications and.
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Sheena Giordano: Yeah.
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Tanya: It's easier
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Tanya: pro in the prevention part of it, rather than dealing with it
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Tanya: after it's gotten out of control.
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Sheena Giordano: Exactly exactly where the.
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Sheena Giordano: No return it it might just be like, Oh, let's maintain till whatever you know next happens.
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Sheena Giordano: So in my own case
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Sheena Giordano: it was, and once again, everybody who goes to medical school, or any kind of school that pertains in the medical field. We're all given books, and those books are just a general baseline of
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Sheena Giordano: potentially a good amount of things that have happened, that they can then test their theories on and then present and educate
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Sheena Giordano: their students. But same time it's limited, right? Everybody's individual. Everybody has their own story. Everything doesn't go by textbook. So a lot of times cancer, we are educated that is not associated with pain.
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Sheena Giordano: In my case
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Sheena Giordano: it was, and, thank God, it was because that is the only way. I ended up getting
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Sheena Giordano: a mammogram, and then a whole series of events after that.
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Sheena Giordano: which simply was
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Sheena Giordano: Yes, sorry.
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Tanya: No, I was. Gonna say, yeah, can you talk about how old you were and like, how did it all began like, what were your what were your symptoms.
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Sheena Giordano: Yeah. So I was 31 years old. I am active. I go to the gym anywhere from 4 to times a week, 4 to 5 times a week.
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Sheena Giordano: Teach.
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Sheena Giordano: this is me at age 31 teach spinning classes. Weightlifting cardio.
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Sheena Giordano: I eat healthy, you know, of course, with the occasional
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Sheena Giordano: sweet here or there.
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Sheena Giordano: And I kept getting a sharp pain.
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Sheena Giordano: and it would go right through my nipple, and it wasn't debilitating.
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Sheena Giordano: It was me thinking like, oh, it must be coming to that time of month. I must be getting my period, or I have my period, or maybe I did too much at the gym. Too many push ups.
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Sheena Giordano: So nothing enough to me to ever think like I have breast cancer.
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Sheena Giordano: So I just remember vividly my husband and I. We were making the bed. It was, you know, in the morning.
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Sheena Giordano: and I was like, Oh, I was like I felt it again, and he simply said, Sheena, please go get checked. And of course the mom brain turns on. And you're like.
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Sheena Giordano: I don't have time. When am I gonna figure this out. Who am I gonna get to watch the kids.
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Tanya: Yeah, as Covid.
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Sheena Giordano: You know it's like that. Guilt.
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Tanya: Yeah.
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Sheena Giordano: Jeez. So we all do it to ourselves. But we really need to just pause for a second and be like, Yeah, but my kids need me. So if I
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Sheena Giordano: don't do something, then why so? Luckily I called
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Sheena Giordano: and explain my symptoms, and it was at Mgh.
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Sheena Giordano: Boston, the Avon breast center, they
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Sheena Giordano: right from whatever I had explained to them that I kept getting a sharp thing that would go through my nipple. They set me up automatically for an MRI,
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Sheena Giordano: not an MRI. I'm so sorry a mammogram, so I show up that day.
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Sheena Giordano: I get you know, my family to watch the 2 girls, and I show up that day positive mindset. They're just gonna tell me I pulled a muscle and everything's good, and I'm gonna walk out here no big deal. That's my mindset. I usually think, like, you know, the positive side
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Sheena Giordano: I go in. One of my really good friends is working because she's a mamo tech.
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Sheena Giordano: She was supposed to have me as a patient. She gave me to somebody else because she didn't
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Sheena Giordano: want to have bad news to tell me if it was the case, and in a sense it kind of was worked out right.
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Tanya: Yeah.
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Sheena Giordano: So
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Sheena Giordano: the technician takes the memo.
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Sheena Giordano: She then says the doctor, the oncologist is going to meet with you.
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Sheena Giordano: Is it okay? If you stay. So they take me into this little cubicle private office and shut the door.
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Sheena Giordano: and they don't say I have it or I don't. They just simply say, Is it okay? If you stay for a biopsy, we saw some things on the imaging, and I just want to make sure that it's clear.
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Tanya: Oh, wait! Stop! What was going through your mind at that moment?
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Sheena Giordano: That given moment, I still was kind of like, okay, this has happened to my mom before my app before other people in my family before
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Sheena Giordano: they sleep in, especially one of my good friends has been a mammo tech for a long time, so even in her case, like
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Sheena Giordano: a lot of times you have like calc deposits, or you might have like some kind of like
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Sheena Giordano: suspicious thing. But a lot of times they'll take a biopsy. It's benign, and off you go. So still in this mindset, I'm kind of like
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Sheena Giordano: positive thinking, no big deal like, sure. Okay.
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Sheena Giordano: so I stay for the biopsy
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Sheena Giordano: and then, as I'm like
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Sheena Giordano: approaching like the biopsy room, then I think finally, like something came over me where, like, you know, just a tear came down my eye that I was like, Okay, what's going on like, you know?
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Sheena Giordano: The biopsy was not fun.
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Sheena Giordano: They, you know, have you lay on a table, and it's like this long needle that has to go like into your boob. And of course they numb you. But jeez like
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Sheena Giordano: they can't numb you that far.
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Tanya: Yeah.
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Sheena Giordano: They go in. They take the biopsy Soapia. All right. Now I go home.
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Sheena Giordano: I'm waiting results.
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Sheena Giordano: This is the same day that I find out that my 6 year old
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Sheena Giordano: severely allergic to peanuts and pistachios. So here I am coming home. I'm like exhausted. I my mind is running wild.
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Sheena Giordano: I didn't eat all day, so I take like a little spoonful of peanut butter. I eat a few cashews, the little one who's 1 and a half at this time.
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Sheena Giordano: and the older ones, 3 and a half is like, Oh, can I have some? Sure?
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Sheena Giordano: I give her some now we're sitting on the couch. All of a sudden her face blows up. We're running to the emergency room.
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Tanya: Oh, my God!
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Sheena Giordano: And prednisone ambulance, pediatric emergency. Luckily, is she. Everything worked? And she resolved, within the 8 h that we had to stay at the emergency. But it was just like, you know, isn't that how life goes like? Just throw everything at you.
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Tanya: Right, yeah.
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Sheena Giordano: So crazy. So series of events waited for the results.
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Sheena Giordano: and they wanted to take a larger biopsy. So this larger biopsy required me to go for an MRI, and then also be put under this time because they wanted to take a larger biopsy
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Sheena Giordano: to make sure what they have is
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Sheena Giordano: legit, or you know, they can come to the conclusion of what it actually is. So
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Sheena Giordano: after that
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Sheena Giordano: I then wait for those results, patiently waiting for the doctor to call me
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Sheena Giordano: vividly. Remember, I'm at my Nana's house, and I get my little pop up message in my email saying, you have new test results. So obviously I open it.
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Sheena Giordano: And right back there it says.
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Sheena Giordano: you have ductal carcinoma in Situ Stage 0. That's when life just hit me right in the face. And I'm like, Oh, my God, I'm gonna die! I'm like, Oh, my God! Like cause you don't like, you know. You just see cancer. And you think that I don't know in me.
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Tanya: Scariest thing like the worst.
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Sheena Giordano: I have a 1 and a half and a 3 and a half year old.
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Tanya: Yeah.
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Sheena Giordano: Those are my babies like, I'm a new young mom like I'm it's too early to be taken out of their life. And for this to be happening?
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Sheena Giordano: so, needless to say.
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Sheena Giordano: the oncologist, after I called and left a message of I just got my result that I have cancer through the portal
00:12:28.500 --> 00:12:38.429
Sheena Giordano: she then called, could not apologize enough, and it was very straightforward. She says you have basically one option.
00:12:38.620 --> 00:12:41.079
Sheena Giordano: and it's to do a mastectomy.
00:12:41.210 --> 00:12:48.749
Sheena Giordano: and I was like, Wow, okay, I was like at this point, like, I'll do anything because this, if this is gonna give me my life like.
00:12:48.990 --> 00:12:54.060
Sheena Giordano: I then generate like you just do. Whatever is that the doctor says? Right.
00:12:54.060 --> 00:12:55.729
Tanya: What whatever it's gonna take. Yeah.
00:12:55.730 --> 00:13:09.580
Sheena Giordano: Exactly so at that point, she said, and it's up to you if you want to do a double mastectomy, or if you just want to do one. It's up to you. But at this point it's a little white dots that are everywhere
00:13:09.770 --> 00:13:12.570
Sheena Giordano: in your right boob.
00:13:12.630 --> 00:13:21.470
Sheena Giordano: and it's in the ducts. So it's ductal carcinoma, because it's in the ducts, and it's stage 0 because it has not left the ducts.
00:13:21.480 --> 00:13:25.220
Sheena Giordano: So no chemo, no radiation.
00:13:25.360 --> 00:13:34.030
Sheena Giordano: just a double. A double mastectomy is what I chose to do with reconstruction. So I did go through the double mastectomy, and then had implants placed
00:13:34.698 --> 00:13:37.419
Sheena Giordano: and in that like I accepted it.
00:13:37.630 --> 00:13:44.769
Sheena Giordano: There was moments, of course, that it hit me because they're not. And then the next phase is like, Am I gonna make it out of surgery like once again, like you know you think of all.
00:13:44.770 --> 00:13:45.450
Tanya: Yeah. Thanks.
00:13:45.450 --> 00:13:47.439
Sheena Giordano: Of course, and
00:13:47.510 --> 00:13:49.340
Sheena Giordano: you just go through it. So
00:13:50.030 --> 00:13:54.370
Sheena Giordano: I remember I go to Las Vegas every year with one of my good friends.
00:13:54.420 --> 00:14:00.989
Sheena Giordano: and I was like, All right, whatever I was like. Can I hold the surgery off? Because I found out, like Con confirmed in April?
00:14:01.110 --> 00:14:16.290
Sheena Giordano: And they said, you definitely want to do it. But I'm not saying you have to do it tomorrow, I said, well, I always go to Vegas with my best friend, I said, is it possible that I could hold off? For when I get back to Vegas from Vegas, she said, absolutely. So we go to Vegas every July
00:14:16.660 --> 00:14:22.239
Sheena Giordano: I had myself a grand old time. We had fun, and then I came home. I was home for like 3 days, and
00:14:22.290 --> 00:14:23.890
Sheena Giordano: I went in for surgery.
00:14:25.400 --> 00:14:32.329
Sheena Giordano: and what that entails is, they basically take out all the breast tissue inside. So you just have nothing.
00:14:32.380 --> 00:14:45.730
Sheena Giordano: and they place expanders with drains. The drains are to remove the fluid around. You know the expanders and and what's left, basically, just to make sure, like you don't get infection. Everything's healing nicely.
00:14:46.137 --> 00:14:53.080
Sheena Giordano: You have to empty the dreams once this little bag of you know, this thing fills to a certain amount.
00:14:54.590 --> 00:14:58.029
Sheena Giordano: and medications were like your typical narcotics
00:14:59.030 --> 00:15:01.010
Sheena Giordano: no antibiotics.
00:15:01.350 --> 00:15:10.568
Sheena Giordano: and the drains had to stand for longer than expected. I think it was 2 weeks that it was expected, and then 3 weeks. And then that's when Tanya came to save the day
00:15:11.550 --> 00:15:22.230
Sheena Giordano: to help me. Because you now think again. I have a 1 and a half year old and a 3 and a half year old those ages. You still want to pick your kids up and hug them and hold them.
00:15:22.350 --> 00:15:23.670
Sheena Giordano: I couldn't.
00:15:23.810 --> 00:15:24.380
Sheena Giordano: and.
00:15:24.380 --> 00:15:27.879
Tanya: And they need help getting into the car and getting into their crib.
00:15:27.880 --> 00:15:43.890
Sheena Giordano: Everything right, and then they don't understand, like, you know, I have these drains hanging off of me. But obviously I had shirts on, and I had all these little contraptions so they wouldn't hang down to, you know, below the shirt that I could like, you know, hook them onto like this necklace thing. I don't know. You just make things work. But
00:15:44.390 --> 00:15:49.749
Sheena Giordano: you know, when Tanya came to help me, it was a huge help, mentally.
00:15:50.130 --> 00:16:09.659
Sheena Giordano: because you get in a phase of like, I can't leave the house. I can't drive. I can't even hold my kids. And just to have that distraction and just to feel normal to. Oh, I'm with my best friend, Tanya. I can go out and have dinner with her, like, yeah, I have drains, but I'll hide them, you know.
00:16:10.080 --> 00:16:20.979
Sheena Giordano: Help me, you know, get the kids in the morning, and you know it won't be because it's her taking care of them, like you know she loves them. It's 1 of those that it was just easy when you came to help, because the love was there.
00:16:22.090 --> 00:16:24.169
Tanya: Yeah. Well, you had a lot of other help, too. But.
00:16:24.170 --> 00:16:24.740
Sheena Giordano: I was just.
00:16:24.740 --> 00:16:25.870
Tanya: Talk about yeah.
00:16:25.870 --> 00:16:26.690
Sheena Giordano: I'm like, Oh, my!
00:16:26.690 --> 00:16:29.889
Tanya: Yeah. Your aunt and uncle, right?
00:16:29.890 --> 00:16:38.649
Sheena Giordano: My aunts, my uncle, my sister, my mom, my dad I mean you name it. It was a team effort, because, for I had to be out of work for almost 3 months.
00:16:39.107 --> 00:16:44.990
Sheena Giordano: And just limited with everything driving. I couldn't drive, for I think it was 10 weeks.
00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:55.799
Sheena Giordano: so it was a lot so thank God for a family, because my sister especially, who came with me to sit with me on the couch. She made me watch this god. Awful show! Chernobyl, which was so depressing.
00:16:55.800 --> 00:16:57.969
Tanya: Oh, my God! I've never seen that! I would not.
00:16:57.970 --> 00:17:10.809
Sheena Giordano: You pick. You want me to watch this while I'm like, in this state of mind, comedy and everything which we still find but jeez, like all all in all like, thank God for the family, and also thank God for the kids, because
00:17:11.859 --> 00:17:12.530
Sheena Giordano: they.
00:17:12.530 --> 00:17:13.230
Tanya: Interaction, right.
00:17:13.230 --> 00:17:13.609
Sheena Giordano: Want to like.
00:17:13.619 --> 00:17:15.929
Tanya: You could. Just yeah, yes.
00:17:15.930 --> 00:17:35.409
Sheena Giordano: Thank God for my husband, because I want to also push for him because I love our family. I love our, you know, dynamic. I love everything you want to live for that. So you go through the series of the drains. Then the drains are removed. And now it's just kind of odd healing process where you go in every 3 weeks, and they fill these expanders with saline
00:17:35.550 --> 00:17:46.580
Sheena Giordano: because they're trying to stretch out your tissue to get you ready for implants, and some people say, Well, you already had boobs before. Why would they expand for some reason? They want you to be able, I guess
00:17:46.680 --> 00:17:59.550
Sheena Giordano: comfortable, and it's an easy transition if they expand your tissue, which I have to say once I got to that final stage which actually, it's coming up on the anniversary of it, which is October 12, th where I had, like my final
00:17:59.640 --> 00:18:02.466
Sheena Giordano: surgery, where they took out the expanders
00:18:03.150 --> 00:18:06.440
Sheena Giordano: And placed the implants, which was in 2019.
00:18:06.750 --> 00:18:14.779
Sheena Giordano: It was simple, I mean, I think I did that on like a Thursday, and I think I was back to work by like Monday or Tuesday, so I expected it.
00:18:14.780 --> 00:18:15.260
Tanya: Lee.
00:18:15.260 --> 00:18:22.869
Sheena Giordano: Severe, but because they get you ready. Everything's like straightforward. It wasn't that bad. It was easy, it was good.
00:18:22.870 --> 00:18:26.970
Tanya: So they took the expanders out, and did they put the implants in at the same time?
00:18:26.970 --> 00:18:37.928
Sheena Giordano: They did. Yeah, no. Take expanders out implants in. And because you're basically ready, of course, I went back to work, and I was very mindful like I I'm a dental hygienist. I probably should have said that. So
00:18:38.210 --> 00:18:39.110
Tanya: Holy.
00:18:39.110 --> 00:18:46.190
Sheena Giordano: Pushing of the X-ray machine. The simplest things like just to put the suction into where the suction is held.
00:18:46.200 --> 00:18:49.620
Sheena Giordano: Just using those muscles in your chest like you don't.
00:18:50.200 --> 00:18:51.370
Sheena Giordano: but they get tweaking.
00:18:51.370 --> 00:18:52.480
Tanya: Normally, though.
00:18:52.480 --> 00:18:59.769
Sheena Giordano: Yeah, so just those kind of things just tweaked a little bit. But I was fine, like I manage. And then everything was pretty much smooth sailing
00:19:00.060 --> 00:19:01.170
Sheena Giordano: sense.
00:19:01.300 --> 00:19:13.509
Sheena Giordano: Now going forward. My checkups don't require mammograms, because there's nothing there. If I do have some kind of issue going on, they'll do an MRI. But typically it's just annual
00:19:13.520 --> 00:19:16.545
Sheena Giordano: breast exams with the oncologist.
00:19:17.440 --> 00:19:18.290
Tanya: Okay.
00:19:18.290 --> 00:19:21.489
Sheena Giordano: You know, this past year ago October.
00:19:21.600 --> 00:19:26.960
Sheena Giordano: I was having like just a shooting pain, and I was like, Oh, shit! I was like, here we go again. I was like.
00:19:26.970 --> 00:19:28.519
Sheena Giordano: I really hope it's nothing.
00:19:28.940 --> 00:19:40.279
Sheena Giordano: I ended up going for an MRI. And one of my implants popped so there's 2 capsules as an outer capsule, and there's an inner capsule. The inner capsule popped so it wasn't like in dire need. I needed to do it
00:19:40.770 --> 00:19:42.620
Sheena Giordano: asap. But in the.
00:19:42.620 --> 00:19:43.439
Tanya: To be done.
00:19:43.440 --> 00:19:52.509
Sheena Giordano: So this past April 2024. I then had it changed out and put back in. So I guess the the overall picture like
00:19:52.740 --> 00:20:01.360
Sheena Giordano: having implants, you know whether you need them or not. It's not what it's always cracked up to be, because even when I'm sleeping, it's like having, like, you know 2 boulders underneath me.
00:20:01.430 --> 00:20:12.030
Sheena Giordano: I mean, I can't sleep on my belly. It's a little uncomfortable. I'm always like maneuvering myself sleeping wise but as a woman. I'm also not ready just to be like alright. Take them out. I'll be.
00:20:12.030 --> 00:20:12.710
Tanya: Yeah.
00:20:12.710 --> 00:20:13.859
Sheena Giordano: It, and no boobs.
00:20:13.930 --> 00:20:31.519
Sheena Giordano: I like, you know, having oops. So I still would like to continue having my implants, you know, and I'll deal with my sleeping and just figure out different ways to sleep. But I guess the overall message is, don't be scared of early detection. If you are questioning something.
00:20:31.910 --> 00:20:39.159
Sheena Giordano: Go with it. If you feel like your doctor's not listening to you get another doctor, you know, and I know getting another doctor
00:20:39.730 --> 00:20:51.899
Sheena Giordano: easier said than done. But also you have to think this is a specialist. So this is referral base. So you don't need a Pcp, you're, you know, a primary care. Physician, you need, you know, say, an oncologist or
00:20:52.150 --> 00:20:55.660
Sheena Giordano: a place that does mammographies, or, which would be easy.
00:20:55.660 --> 00:20:57.570
Tanya: Yeah, usually there are breath centers.
00:20:57.570 --> 00:21:16.239
Sheena Giordano: Exactly. There you go, right. So you should be. It should be a little bit easier. You just need the referral. If that's how your insurance works to get into like a system where you can get into a breast center. But I guess that's mainly. Do your you know your breast exams. Mine was not palpable, so once again I would have had no idea had I not had this.
00:21:16.240 --> 00:21:16.780
Tanya: Yeah.
00:21:16.780 --> 00:21:17.060
Sheena Giordano: You know.
00:21:17.060 --> 00:21:17.650
Tanya: That pain.
00:21:17.650 --> 00:21:21.209
Sheena Giordano: That it was just literally like a shooting pain that wasn't debilitating.
00:21:21.210 --> 00:21:22.140
Tanya: Coming back.
00:21:22.140 --> 00:21:27.440
Sheena Giordano: Yeah, it would happen like, say, maybe once every other week or so. And it was just like, Wow.
00:21:27.440 --> 00:21:31.060
Tanya: How long would it last for, do you remember like? Was it like a second, or like.
00:21:31.250 --> 00:21:32.700
Sheena Giordano: 2 seconds! Zap.
00:21:32.700 --> 00:21:33.290
Tanya: Really.
00:21:33.290 --> 00:21:54.200
Sheena Giordano: On onto the rest of my day, but it was such like a zap that you felt it in your nipple, and you know, like you just get that like gut feeling. And then, even like in the back of your throat, that you're like, Oh, my gosh! Like, what is that? It's just weird, right? I don't know. It's just it was weird and then, you know, my friend, that works in Mamo. Discussing my case with her.
00:21:54.490 --> 00:22:16.990
Sheena Giordano: she said. You are so lucky, you are such a rare, rare case, she said. You had so many calc deposits, which are those little white dots that we were seeing, and a lot of times they're benign and a lot of times you don't have that many. There's maybe like 4 or 5, or there's like a little cluster of them, but she's like for you to have them almost sprayed everywhere, and then also for them to be
00:22:17.200 --> 00:22:28.159
Sheena Giordano: Dr. Carsonoma in Situ stage 0 she was. You're such a real case, and you're so lucky that you caught it when you did so, even to hear that from her, because, you know she's behind the scenes, so she sees a lot of stuff.
00:22:28.320 --> 00:22:30.570
Sheena Giordano: She's 1 of my good friends, so we can, just, you know.
00:22:31.000 --> 00:22:33.380
Sheena Giordano: shoot the shit and just talk about stuff which.
00:22:33.380 --> 00:22:33.990
Tanya: Yeah.
00:22:33.990 --> 00:22:39.469
Sheena Giordano: She has a lot of knowledge in that area that it, you know, even reconfirms like, thank goodness, I went.
00:22:39.470 --> 00:22:40.490
Tanya: Yeah.
00:22:40.490 --> 00:22:40.980
Sheena Giordano: Oh!
00:22:40.980 --> 00:22:42.770
Tanya: Can you listen to your body?
00:22:42.770 --> 00:22:46.290
Sheena Giordano: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly.
00:22:46.860 --> 00:22:55.780
Tanya: So I'm so glad that things turned out the way that they did. Obviously, you are too like what a blast thing! Oh, my goodness
00:22:55.890 --> 00:22:56.990
Tanya: exactly.
00:22:57.160 --> 00:23:07.009
Tanya: and I hope that somebody else can take that away from this is like, listen to your body. And.
00:23:07.830 --> 00:23:10.060
Tanya: like Sheena said
00:23:10.670 --> 00:23:27.730
Tanya: in the beginning, like she had all these things going through her mind like I don't. I'm not. Gonna how am I gonna find the time to do this? I think that we all are guilty of this, myself included. Like, I'm just like last, like, there are certain things that are a priority to me. But like.
00:23:28.320 --> 00:23:43.020
Tanya: but yeah, like going to see a doctor. It is not convenient in the least bit but just like, listen to your intuition, and like, think long term like you want to be here for your kids.
00:23:43.020 --> 00:23:43.800
Sheena Giordano: Yeah.
00:23:43.800 --> 00:23:47.580
Tanya: And your husband, your family, everybody.
00:23:47.580 --> 00:23:49.030
Sheena Giordano: To live. Everybody wants to live.
00:23:49.030 --> 00:23:49.590
Tanya: You know.
00:23:49.590 --> 00:23:50.960
Sheena Giordano: I would think they would. It's like.
00:23:50.960 --> 00:23:52.890
Tanya: Yeah, yeah.
00:23:53.738 --> 00:23:58.720
Tanya: So with that, what did you learn from this experience?
00:24:04.140 --> 00:24:05.146
Sheena Giordano: So much.
00:24:05.970 --> 00:24:06.480
Tanya: Yeah.
00:24:06.480 --> 00:24:13.919
Sheena Giordano: I guess so much, but I guess overall just as you said like, listen to your body. Don't be scared to go forward and make an appointment
00:24:14.130 --> 00:24:15.739
Sheena Giordano: just to get checked out.
00:24:15.770 --> 00:24:17.110
Sheena Giordano: And then
00:24:17.610 --> 00:24:18.900
Sheena Giordano: I also.
00:24:19.120 --> 00:24:22.570
Sheena Giordano: I'm happy that I can help people. So a lot of my patients
00:24:22.630 --> 00:24:25.270
Sheena Giordano: I've been seeing for years, and
00:24:25.540 --> 00:24:28.130
Sheena Giordano: we know so much about each other.
00:24:28.450 --> 00:24:30.899
Sheena Giordano: They end up turning into therapy sessions.
00:24:30.980 --> 00:24:42.669
Sheena Giordano: But a lot of everything I experience I can generate through my patients to one, bring awareness to them. But also, if they're going through a moment where they just got, you know.
00:24:42.940 --> 00:24:47.440
Sheena Giordano: not the best news in regards to something cancer related.
00:24:47.930 --> 00:24:49.230
Sheena Giordano: They feel like
00:24:49.540 --> 00:24:55.009
Sheena Giordano: when I share this right. They're not alone. They have a shoulder to lean on. They can reach out to me
00:24:55.020 --> 00:24:58.410
Sheena Giordano: well past. You know our appointment time.
00:24:58.590 --> 00:24:59.590
Tanya: That is so nice.
00:24:59.590 --> 00:25:01.450
Sheena Giordano: It's it's nice.
00:25:02.310 --> 00:25:04.370
Sheena Giordano: It's nice to be understood.
00:25:04.570 --> 00:25:06.820
Sheena Giordano: And then also it's nice to be
00:25:07.250 --> 00:25:15.940
Sheena Giordano: able to help right. And I'm not just like a bystander where I you know I knew somebody or a family member. No, I am the
00:25:15.960 --> 00:25:18.351
Sheena Giordano: I I've been through it.
00:25:18.830 --> 00:25:19.540
Tanya: Yeah, it was.
00:25:19.540 --> 00:25:28.779
Sheena Giordano: You know. There's all different kinds, of course, but regardless I've been through it, and I can help somebody, and that, I think, is the biggest thing overall that I'm so happy that
00:25:29.000 --> 00:25:30.260
Sheena Giordano: I can help you.
00:25:30.890 --> 00:25:41.830
Sheena Giordano: whether you want me to just listen to you. You want me to share you. My story with you, and whatever you get out of our conversation, if it helps. I'm happy, you know, and I'm happy that in some way I gave you some kind of
00:25:41.950 --> 00:25:44.070
Sheena Giordano: peace of mind. I guess you know.
00:25:44.967 --> 00:25:47.712
Tanya: Yeah, I think that that's really
00:25:48.640 --> 00:25:51.689
Tanya: that describes perfectly. I think
00:25:51.710 --> 00:25:57.779
Tanya: what I think is the reason why any of us experiences any challenge
00:25:57.840 --> 00:25:59.760
Tanya: is that we can
00:25:59.880 --> 00:26:01.769
Tanya: then help others.
00:26:01.910 --> 00:26:05.470
Tanya: And report back like
00:26:05.570 --> 00:26:09.179
Tanya: this is what I went through. You're not alone.
00:26:09.659 --> 00:26:17.789
Tanya: Like there is help out there. Here's what I learned so that you can maybe have a smoother path than I did
00:26:17.850 --> 00:26:19.910
Tanya: right? Or just
00:26:19.930 --> 00:26:23.560
Tanya: anything that can help like it. Just I think it helps
00:26:24.560 --> 00:26:31.439
Tanya: into. It's 1 thing when you know you're going through something, and you're talking to somebody who's never been through it.
00:26:31.840 --> 00:26:36.370
Tanya: and they're like an ear to listen. And that's wonderful. That's a beautiful thing.
00:26:36.510 --> 00:26:41.790
Tanya: But it's also another thing. When you're talking to somebody who has
00:26:41.950 --> 00:26:43.689
Tanya: been through it before.
00:26:43.820 --> 00:26:48.060
Tanya: It's a totally different experience, and
00:26:48.220 --> 00:26:49.770
Tanya: I would say, it's
00:26:50.250 --> 00:26:51.400
Tanya: it is
00:26:51.910 --> 00:26:56.039
Tanya: so cathartic, I think, is the word I want to say.
00:26:59.070 --> 00:27:03.599
Tanya: just that feeling of being understood cause you don't feel
00:27:03.970 --> 00:27:11.690
Tanya: really, truly understood until you know you're speaking with somebody who's literally been through it before.
00:27:12.530 --> 00:27:13.160
Sheena Giordano: Absolutely.
00:27:13.160 --> 00:27:14.770
Tanya: You know what you're going through.
00:27:15.100 --> 00:27:17.090
Sheena Giordano: Absolutely, totally, agree.
00:27:17.490 --> 00:27:24.919
Tanya: So do you happen to know? And if not, that's fine, how often should someone be screened for breast cancer.
00:27:26.460 --> 00:27:27.330
Sheena Giordano: I am not.
00:27:27.330 --> 00:27:28.109
Tanya: Do my research on.
00:27:28.110 --> 00:27:33.279
Sheena Giordano: Yeah, I how often I mean, I know when you go for your gyno, which
00:27:33.320 --> 00:27:52.249
Sheena Giordano: they've changed those rules, too, because I think you're supposed to go to your gyno annually right? And then insurance did some kind of change which they give you the option which I'm happy about, that that you don't need to see the gyno for 3 years, but I still insist going annually. Because why not? But I know when you go for
00:27:52.360 --> 00:27:54.879
Sheena Giordano: your gyno, they're supposed to do a breast exam.
00:27:55.240 --> 00:28:07.740
Sheena Giordano: but in addition, you should be doing your own breast exams at home right? And that's just palpating, you know. You start in a circle, work your way from your armpit, and just kind of keep on making a circle all the way until you get you know to your nipple.
00:28:08.071 --> 00:28:12.900
Sheena Giordano: Even go into your armpits, feel any lumps or bumps. Obviously report to your doctor.
00:28:13.459 --> 00:28:17.140
Sheena Giordano: But as far as having a doctor screen you?
00:28:17.600 --> 00:28:23.390
Sheena Giordano: I don't know. I would think it would just be at your, you know. Annual. Gyno, but at home you should be in the shower.
00:28:23.890 --> 00:28:27.530
Sheena Giordano: you know, doing your own self breast exams once again.
00:28:28.050 --> 00:28:30.629
Sheena Giordano: Mine wasn't palpable, so
00:28:30.980 --> 00:28:37.118
Sheena Giordano: what to say to people who have, you know, or could have something underlying that's not palpable
00:28:37.670 --> 00:28:39.110
Sheena Giordano: I'm not sure.
00:28:39.250 --> 00:28:39.920
Sheena Giordano: you know.
00:28:39.920 --> 00:28:40.640
Tanya: Yeah.
00:28:41.300 --> 00:28:44.339
Sheena Giordano: I know if there's and then that's the other thing, that
00:28:44.760 --> 00:28:47.420
Sheena Giordano: if there's a history of breast cancer in your family.
00:28:47.520 --> 00:28:48.960
Sheena Giordano: you know the the
00:28:49.040 --> 00:28:56.170
Sheena Giordano: I use this lightly, but they'll take, like you a little more seriously, I guess, in your if you have, you know, some kind of symptom.
00:28:56.310 --> 00:29:03.720
Sheena Giordano: But at the same time. My grandmother, on my father's side is a breast cancer survivor, and
00:29:04.040 --> 00:29:06.019
Sheena Giordano: it was a totally different cancer.
00:29:06.070 --> 00:29:09.600
Sheena Giordano: Hers was estrogen based? I did.
00:29:09.680 --> 00:29:21.100
Sheena Giordano: They were like, oh, do you want the test where we just test for 8 things? Or do you want the test where we test for 32 things? I was like, Nope, sign me up for the test to test 32 things. Just get it out on. Get it all out in in the air.
00:29:21.110 --> 00:29:28.929
Sheena Giordano: Everything came back negative, and I know the common one is the Brca gene. No negative estrogen based cancers. Everything was negative. So
00:29:29.060 --> 00:29:34.379
Sheena Giordano: if anything, the doctors are still scratching their heads, saying, Well, why did Sheena have cancer?
00:29:34.680 --> 00:29:35.859
Sheena Giordano: They don't know.
00:29:35.970 --> 00:29:42.819
Sheena Giordano: and nor will they ever know, you know, because once again, healthy, young, active, eats right.
00:29:42.840 --> 00:29:43.980
Sheena Giordano: you know
00:29:44.120 --> 00:29:51.820
Sheena Giordano: all that, then why? And it wasn't related to anything to do with my grandmother's breast cancer completely separate.
00:29:51.940 --> 00:29:53.120
Sheena Giordano: so
00:29:53.910 --> 00:29:55.539
Sheena Giordano: I don't know. I don't know.
00:29:55.540 --> 00:29:56.270
Tanya: Pause.
00:29:57.250 --> 00:29:59.429
Tanya: oh, so do your breast exams.
00:29:59.430 --> 00:29:59.770
Sheena Giordano: Right.
00:29:59.770 --> 00:30:01.770
Tanya: Taking away, and just.
00:30:01.770 --> 00:30:03.099
Sheena Giordano: Listen to your best, listen to.
00:30:03.100 --> 00:30:08.370
Tanya: Your body and yeah, go to your annual checkups.
00:30:09.008 --> 00:30:14.980
Tanya: And maybe I can even research a little bit more and add that in the show notes. If I find.
00:30:14.980 --> 00:30:15.480
Sheena Giordano: Yeah.
00:30:15.480 --> 00:30:16.429
Tanya: I think.
00:30:16.430 --> 00:30:20.900
Sheena Giordano: And then what even was interesting is because of my diagnosis.
00:30:21.080 --> 00:30:22.350
Sheena Giordano: my mom
00:30:22.380 --> 00:30:36.050
Sheena Giordano: and my sister, since my diagnosis and my sister's 7 years younger than me. But since I was diagnosed, her and my mom every 6 months have to alternate between a mammogram and an MRI to make sure nothing changes.
00:30:36.050 --> 00:30:37.970
Tanya: Really every 6 months.
00:30:37.970 --> 00:30:40.279
Sheena Giordano: Every 6 months, and as for my
00:30:40.370 --> 00:30:41.520
Sheena Giordano: girls.
00:30:41.680 --> 00:30:46.010
Sheena Giordano: they, because of my history, when they, I think, turned 30,
00:30:46.490 --> 00:30:58.440
Sheena Giordano: if not, maybe a little bit younger. Then they will also have to do a similar check, unless things, you know. Obviously they're only 6 and 8 now, unless by that time things change in the medical field, but
00:30:58.760 --> 00:31:02.460
Sheena Giordano: because of my history it changed for my mom and my sisters
00:31:02.740 --> 00:31:07.430
Sheena Giordano: to be checked more frequently, and then, in addition, we'll change for my girls.
00:31:08.000 --> 00:31:10.810
Tanya: Interesting. And then what did you mention this? But what do?
00:31:10.860 --> 00:31:16.889
Tanya: What's what's the follow up like for you? You said you are screened.
00:31:17.340 --> 00:31:18.749
Sheena Giordano: Yeah, that's it. Which I.
00:31:18.750 --> 00:31:19.110
Tanya: College.
00:31:19.110 --> 00:31:24.332
Sheena Giordano: Catch my head. I'm always free. Yes, so I always do an annual appointment with my oncologist.
00:31:24.640 --> 00:31:26.220
Tanya: And they're feeling your breath.
00:31:26.220 --> 00:31:27.750
Sheena Giordano: And that's it. They're just doing a.
00:31:27.750 --> 00:31:35.870
Tanya: And no, but no, Mris, are they just worried about like the radiation exposure for you? Or do you know.
00:31:35.930 --> 00:31:39.969
Sheena Giordano: No cause, no cause. Mris is like, you know, that magnetic.
00:31:40.360 --> 00:31:41.490
Tanya: Okay. Yeah.
00:31:41.490 --> 00:31:44.340
Sheena Giordano: Radiation. It's just it's
00:31:44.800 --> 00:31:50.410
Sheena Giordano: inconclusive testing. Once you have a mastectomy.
00:31:50.460 --> 00:31:55.500
Sheena Giordano: because all you'll see is the breast implant and typically nothing else.
00:31:55.510 --> 00:32:05.969
Sheena Giordano: So, for instance, like last year, when I was having that shooting pain, they still have no idea why shooting pain has since gone away, but they did see that I popped my implant. You know.
00:32:06.260 --> 00:32:06.800
Tanya: Yeah, yeah.
00:32:06.800 --> 00:32:08.750
Sheena Giordano: Anything else. So
00:32:08.890 --> 00:32:17.740
Sheena Giordano: every time I ask, I'm like cause even my own mind, even though I ask every single, every single time I see her annually. I'm like, are you sure we shouldn't do an MRI? But what about a pet?
00:32:18.310 --> 00:32:24.795
Sheena Giordano: Check my whole body? And it's like, Yeah, no, it's not necessary. It's not necessary. I'm like, okay, you know.
00:32:25.120 --> 00:32:25.710
Tanya: Yeah.
00:32:25.710 --> 00:32:29.500
Sheena Giordano: So it's just not part of the protocol. Once you have a mastectomy.
00:32:29.910 --> 00:32:30.930
Tanya: Okay.
00:32:31.000 --> 00:32:32.150
Tanya: interesting.
00:32:32.150 --> 00:32:33.830
Sheena Giordano: I know, I know.
00:32:33.830 --> 00:32:41.630
Tanya: Alright. So let's move on to the next question. What do you know now that you wish you knew? Then.
00:32:49.070 --> 00:32:50.360
Sheena Giordano: I don't even know.
00:32:52.750 --> 00:32:57.259
Tanya: I'm sure you learned a lot about breast cancer that you didn't know right.
00:32:57.260 --> 00:33:10.109
Sheena Giordano: I mean, I learned I learned so much, but I guess I don't know. Like the the biggest I don't know. The biggest takeaway is just to like, listen to your body. I keep going back to that. You learn so much as you go through it.
00:33:10.923 --> 00:33:12.450
Sheena Giordano: I mean.
00:33:12.890 --> 00:33:15.750
Sheena Giordano: minuscule stuff is.
00:33:15.840 --> 00:33:19.230
Sheena Giordano: and know your breast implants before you pick them. I guess that would be.
00:33:19.230 --> 00:33:20.940
Tanya: Okay, that's a good one. So.
00:33:20.940 --> 00:33:21.950
Sheena Giordano: I only say that.
00:33:21.950 --> 00:33:22.869
Tanya: Yeah, on that a little bit.
00:33:22.870 --> 00:33:34.309
Sheena Giordano: Doctor. Everything like, you know, cancer is the big word of this. Podcast and so when I say, minuscule like this is minuscule. But at the same time. Like for somebody who's going through it.
00:33:34.780 --> 00:33:48.060
Sheena Giordano: You're not thinking you're just like, Okay, plastic surgeon. Awesome. Pop them in. Good to go see you later. So I would only say that I guess if you can mentally, you know.
00:33:48.820 --> 00:33:50.050
Sheena Giordano: navigate
00:33:50.430 --> 00:33:59.550
Sheena Giordano: researching breast implants, because obviously your mind is preoccupied with much more important things go for it. I only say that because there's so many different ones.
00:34:00.120 --> 00:34:05.639
Sheena Giordano: and if you're looking for a fuller profile, or if you don't really want the full profile, or
00:34:05.980 --> 00:34:18.659
Sheena Giordano: if the doctor's telling you, you know, go bigger and you want to go smaller, I guess. Really get all your questions and everything answered, feel the breast implants, you know. Look at them, because that is the biggest thing, too. You are
00:34:19.150 --> 00:34:35.610
Sheena Giordano: taking breast tissue out. So you really are flat chested, so say, to put in a breast implant that is, 400 or 500 CC's to somebody who already has breast tissue to put in an implant. That's 400 or 500 CC's. May seem
00:34:35.650 --> 00:34:39.849
Sheena Giordano: enormous versus somebody who is flat chested
00:34:40.190 --> 00:34:46.110
Sheena Giordano: because you just had a mastectomy. A 4 or 500 CC. Would actually be on the smaller side.
00:34:46.190 --> 00:34:51.679
Sheena Giordano: So I guess in my own mind, because my mom has breast implants because she wanted them.
00:34:52.420 --> 00:34:53.639
Sheena Giordano: And
00:34:53.730 --> 00:34:55.499
Sheena Giordano: I always like, and I
00:34:57.450 --> 00:34:59.749
Sheena Giordano: I don't wanna say too much, because if she listens management.
00:34:59.750 --> 00:35:00.080
Tanya: Right.
00:35:01.423 --> 00:35:20.940
Sheena Giordano: But you know, from her perspective, her boobs are on the bigger side. So my whole thing is, I didn't want big boobs right. I just wanted to go back to like what I had, but just to be a little fuller. So when the doctor was talking, 400 CC. Is 500 CC's. My mind was going. Whoa? No, no, no, I don't want to be as big as my mom. I want to be
00:35:21.150 --> 00:35:40.089
Sheena Giordano: replicated towards me, but I wasn't factoring in the tissue that she had already taken away. So my 1st set of breast implants, I would say, were on the smaller side, and they weren't as full. So by all means, if one had not popped I would still have them. I wouldn't have changed them out, because who signs up for surgery. If you don't necessarily need it. I don't.
00:35:40.090 --> 00:35:40.560
Tanya: Yeah.
00:35:40.560 --> 00:35:42.069
Sheena Giordano: Some people do, so be it.
00:35:42.570 --> 00:35:54.050
Sheena Giordano: but move forward to. When I had my breast implants changed in April, then I was able to be more clear, mind and go for a fuller implant. That was also a hundred CC's bigger, which
00:35:54.370 --> 00:36:01.529
Sheena Giordano: you would think would be ginormous. But I was like, wow! I went. A 100 CC's bigger, and it's not even that much bigger. It's a little.
00:36:01.530 --> 00:36:02.010
Tanya: Similar.
00:36:02.010 --> 00:36:03.149
Sheena Giordano: But I'm not like.
00:36:03.500 --> 00:36:10.680
Sheena Giordano: you know, ridiculous but I much. I I like them a lot better. So had I done a lot more research back then.
00:36:10.880 --> 00:36:22.079
Sheena Giordano: in regards to the size of the implants and how many CC's and to factor all that into what I was taking away to then what I was adding, I think, would have been helpful, but nobody really guided me, you know, because.
00:36:22.080 --> 00:36:22.720
Tanya: Yeah.
00:36:22.720 --> 00:36:25.490
Sheena Giordano: We were all focused on cancer cancer cancer, which by.
00:36:25.490 --> 00:36:26.010
Tanya: Of course.
00:36:26.010 --> 00:36:27.149
Sheena Giordano: Should be, but then.
00:36:27.150 --> 00:36:27.510
Tanya: Yeah.
00:36:27.510 --> 00:36:30.020
Sheena Giordano: Mine was so straightforward. So it wasn't like I had a
00:36:30.330 --> 00:36:34.460
Sheena Giordano: focus on, you know, going for treatments and medications and all this other stuff.
00:36:34.550 --> 00:36:36.630
Sheena Giordano: but I also wasn't in that mindset to.
00:36:36.630 --> 00:36:37.860
Tanya: No.
00:36:37.860 --> 00:36:52.310
Sheena Giordano: Expecting different types of implants. So if somebody is going through it, I guess that is just something. If you can just make a mental note to be like. If you're going to go through it, you do want to be happy with them, and if the surgeon says that you should go bigger. I'm going to tell you. Go a little bit bigger.
00:36:52.310 --> 00:36:52.930
Tanya: Yeah.
00:36:53.000 --> 00:37:00.279
Sheena Giordano: You know you get out of surgery, and you're like, Oh, my goodness! My boobs are huge! And then, by the time you know.
00:37:00.580 --> 00:37:02.169
Tanya: The implementation has gone down, but.
00:37:02.170 --> 00:37:15.720
Sheena Giordano: Oh, my gosh! It's like, Oh, where'd they go? And that's the size of them. And okay, fine like, like. I said I would have lived with them they would have been fine, but now that I was a little more prepared, I was able to get what I initially would have wanted. You know.
00:37:15.720 --> 00:37:16.220
Tanya: Yeah.
00:37:16.220 --> 00:37:23.260
Sheena Giordano: Back, then, that's all. So I guess that's a little food for thought. It's minuscule. But in the same sense, is it? Because then, if you can avoid
00:37:23.320 --> 00:37:24.850
Sheena Giordano: another surgery, and you know.
00:37:24.850 --> 00:37:25.280
Tanya: Yeah.
00:37:25.280 --> 00:37:30.089
Sheena Giordano: Lining. You're having mastectomy. So the silver lining is you get to have boobs after you're done, and I go.
00:37:30.090 --> 00:37:30.490
Tanya: Yeah.
00:37:30.490 --> 00:37:32.059
Sheena Giordano: My nipples versus some people.
00:37:32.060 --> 00:37:33.980
Tanya: Don't eat their nipples.
00:37:33.980 --> 00:37:36.099
Sheena Giordano: And they do have to have, you know.
00:37:36.290 --> 00:37:41.139
Sheena Giordano: 3D tattoos which they've come a long way, you know they do try to keep you
00:37:41.980 --> 00:37:50.280
Sheena Giordano: together as possible, right? And then that was the other concern. If I go too big, I don't want my nipples to have peripheral vision. I want them to be straight on
00:37:51.550 --> 00:37:53.390
Sheena Giordano: all these things that you're like, Sheena.
00:37:53.490 --> 00:37:59.130
Sheena Giordano: You're lucky you had a double mastectomy, and you don't have cancer anymore. I'm like, yes, I am very thankful
00:37:59.140 --> 00:38:01.530
Sheena Giordano: absolutely, but in the same sense I have to go.
00:38:02.110 --> 00:38:03.950
Sheena Giordano: I also want to be happy. So my nipples.
00:38:03.950 --> 00:38:04.730
Tanya: Yeah.
00:38:04.730 --> 00:38:07.689
Sheena Giordano: Boobs up a little more fuller, and
00:38:07.790 --> 00:38:10.719
Sheena Giordano: I just go for my annual checks, and all is good, you know.
00:38:10.920 --> 00:38:13.870
Tanya: I was it all worked out. Oh.
00:38:13.870 --> 00:38:15.179
Sheena Giordano: Yeah, yeah.
00:38:15.180 --> 00:38:17.370
Tanya: And here you are on the other side of it.
00:38:17.370 --> 00:38:18.439
Sheena Giordano: There I am!
00:38:18.870 --> 00:38:19.730
Sheena Giordano: Hey! How are you?
00:38:19.730 --> 00:38:20.070
Tanya: So.
00:38:20.070 --> 00:38:24.319
Sheena Giordano: You know, trying to find comedy and anything cause why be so serious? You know.
00:38:24.320 --> 00:38:25.830
Tanya: Right? Right?
00:38:26.140 --> 00:38:36.229
Tanya: So now that this is something you've survived and you've recovered. Is there anything good that came from having experienced this challenge.
00:38:38.590 --> 00:38:42.059
Sheena Giordano: Yes, that I can relate to other people who have been through it.
00:38:42.550 --> 00:38:48.840
Sheena Giordano: You know just as much as you know. My parents going through a divorce at a young age.
00:38:50.220 --> 00:38:55.680
Sheena Giordano: If somebody else brings that up to attention or they're going through it. I can relate to that as a kid.
00:38:55.770 --> 00:39:05.499
Sheena Giordano: you know. So same thing with this I can relate to people. And, as you said before, I think that's the biggest thing of being understood and relatable. I'm not just talking to somebody who hasn't been through it.
00:39:05.630 --> 00:39:08.759
Sheena Giordano: and, like you said, having an ear to listen to is
00:39:09.090 --> 00:39:13.940
Sheena Giordano: you just need that sometimes whether you know what I'm talking about or not. It just feels good to get it out.
00:39:13.940 --> 00:39:14.390
Tanya: Yeah.
00:39:14.390 --> 00:39:21.850
Sheena Giordano: And that in itself is the biggest gift. But then, if you have somebody who can relate to you, I guess that's the biggest thing is that
00:39:22.070 --> 00:39:27.339
Sheena Giordano: you're understood almost without even having to explain. Like every intricate detail.
00:39:27.920 --> 00:39:28.610
Tanya: Yeah.
00:39:28.980 --> 00:39:29.820
Tanya: yeah.
00:39:30.480 --> 00:39:31.930
Tanya: that's awesome.
00:39:31.930 --> 00:39:32.310
Sheena Giordano: Yeah.
00:39:32.310 --> 00:39:48.870
Tanya: And then, is there anything you want to say like advice or encouraging words for the woman out there listening who maybe she's worried. She has breast cancer, or maybe she just received the diagnosis, and she's scared and worried about the road ahead.
00:39:49.770 --> 00:39:51.470
Sheena Giordano: I would say.
00:39:51.690 --> 00:39:53.390
Sheena Giordano: listen to
00:39:54.110 --> 00:40:01.529
Sheena Giordano: the doctor who is guiding you. If you get a gut feeling, and you don't think that you're being taken care of.
00:40:01.820 --> 00:40:04.010
Sheena Giordano: you know, or you're not in the right hands.
00:40:04.480 --> 00:40:05.780
Sheena Giordano: By all means
00:40:06.130 --> 00:40:07.499
Sheena Giordano: listen to yourself.
00:40:07.540 --> 00:40:14.080
Sheena Giordano: Go for that second opinion, talk to somebody who has been through it. Get a referral from them. If they've had a great experience.
00:40:14.770 --> 00:40:17.070
Sheena Giordano: because at the end of the day it could be.
00:40:17.070 --> 00:40:17.590
Tanya: This is your life.
00:40:17.590 --> 00:40:33.060
Sheena Giordano: Process for you, and you don't want to be going to that doctor's appointment every 2 weeks or every week, with an extra not in your stomach being like, I wish I changed doctors. Why didn't I just go for that other referral? Why didn't I get a second or 3rd opinion?
00:40:33.070 --> 00:40:43.979
Sheena Giordano: Why did I just stick with what I was given? So if anything, listen to yourself, because at the end of the day, whatever your path is to get through it. You want to try
00:40:44.850 --> 00:40:49.350
Sheena Giordano: to bring as much comfort as you can, knowing that you pick the right provider.
00:40:51.580 --> 00:40:54.460
Tanya: that's awesome. And then would you be willing
00:40:54.550 --> 00:41:02.210
Tanya: to would people be able to maybe reach out to you if they need like advice or support like, would you be willing to provide.
00:41:02.210 --> 00:41:02.530
Sheena Giordano: Bye.
00:41:02.530 --> 00:41:03.830
Tanya: Your social
00:41:03.990 --> 00:41:05.880
Tanya: media handle.
00:41:05.880 --> 00:41:07.580
Sheena Giordano: Absolutely. I,
00:41:08.580 --> 00:41:15.179
Sheena Giordano: Instagram. It's SHEE. N, and the number 5, 6.
00:41:15.876 --> 00:41:17.940
Sheena Giordano: And I am not
00:41:18.200 --> 00:41:27.469
Sheena Giordano: social media savvy? I will answer messages. But yeah, absolutely. By all means you can reach out to me. I would be more than happy to
00:41:27.570 --> 00:41:37.819
Sheena Giordano: give you whatever you need whatever tools I can share with you that will help you succeed and go through whatever it is that you need to go through. I am more than happy to share, to help, to guide
00:41:37.880 --> 00:41:38.890
Sheena Giordano: whatever
00:41:39.200 --> 00:41:42.049
Sheena Giordano: it is that you or someone needs for sure.
00:41:42.650 --> 00:41:46.329
Tanya: That is so nice. Thank you so much, Sheena.
00:41:46.710 --> 00:41:47.380
Sheena Giordano: Thank you so much. Time.
00:41:47.380 --> 00:41:48.849
Tanya: Appreciate you.
00:41:49.180 --> 00:41:49.600
Sheena Giordano: Oh, okay.
00:41:49.600 --> 00:42:01.559
Tanya: This is going to be awesome. I hope that whoever needs to hear this today I hope that this message gets to them and thank you so much for coming on and sharing your story.
00:42:01.630 --> 00:42:09.579
Tanya: and also just opening it up for people to come to you for support and advice.
00:42:10.220 --> 00:42:17.720
Tanya: So I'll make sure I put your handle in the show notes and I'll talk to you soon. Thank you again for coming on.
00:42:17.720 --> 00:42:21.379
Sheena Giordano: Thank you. I love you a whole bunch. Thank you so much. Tan, I'll talk to you.
00:42:21.380 --> 00:42:23.429
Tanya: This is awesome. Alright, bye.