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The Power of MOMENTUM

Hey friends! Welcome back to The Mom-entum Podcast, the show dedicated to inspiring, uplifting, and empowering women on their journey through motherhood. I'm so glad you're here today because we're talking about something that can seriously change the game for you: MOMENTUM.


You know what’s funny? I’ve been doing this podcast for a while now, and even though it’s called The Mom-entum Podcast, I’ve never done an episode dedicated to the actual power of momentum—until now! So, why is this important? Why should you care about momentum? Because if you’ve ever felt stuck, unmotivated, or like you just can’t get yourself to do the things you know you need to do to create change, this episode is for you.


 What You'll Learn:

- What Momentum Really Means: We dive into the definition of momentum and why it’s the fuel source you need to keep moving forward in any area of your life—whether it’s weight loss, being a more present mom, or tackling that big, hairy goal you’ve been putting off.


- How to Build Momentum: I share 4 practical steps you can take today to create momentum and start making progress. Hint: It starts small but builds big!


- My Personal Story Behind the Podcast Name: You’ll hear the full story of how I came up with the name The Mom-entum Podcast—inspired by my own journey of gaining momentum and turning a dream into reality.


- Using Momentum to Overcome Obstacles: We’ll talk about how momentum can help you break through plateaus, push past fear, and make real progress even when things get tough.


Key Takeaways:

1. Start Small: Whether it’s a 5-minute workout or reading a few pages of that self-development book, small actions create momentum that builds over time.

2. Celebrate Your Progress: Every milestone matters, no matter how small! Recognizing progress will keep you motivated.

3. Take ActionThe key to momentum is movement—just start, even if you don’t have everything figured out. You can always course correct later.

4. Repeat and Build Habits: As Tony Robbins says, "Repetition is the mother of skill". The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and soon momentum will take over.


 How to Apply This:

Momentum is a tool you can use to create lasting change in your life. Whether it’s weight loss, better time management, or even just being a little more present with your kids, the steps I’m sharing today can help you get there. So, what’s one small thing you can start doing today to create momentum? DM me or tag me on social media @tanyavalentinecoaching—I’d love to hear your stories!


 Resources Mentioned:

-  The devotional I read every day (thanks to my lovely Mom who gifts the subscription to me every year!), Daily Word (where I found the word that inspired this podcast!)


Next Steps:

I challenge you: What is one thing you’ve been putting off? What’s one small action you can take today? Remember, momentum doesn’t just happen—it’s something you create by taking those small, consistent steps. Let’s build that momentum together!



Don’t forget to subscribe to The Mom-entum Podcast, and if you loved this episode, I’d be so grateful if you left a review! Let’s keep building that momentum, mamas—you’ve got this!



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Hello friends!  And welcome to episode number 54 of the momentum podcast. The show dedicated to inspiring, uplifting and empowering women on their journey through motherhood.  Thank you so much for being here!  


So today I want to talk about the power of momentum.  And I just think it’s so funny that with the name of this podcast literally being, “momentum”, that I have not done an episode dedicated to this topic yet.  


So first, let’s start with why is it important that you listen today? Why should you care about momentum? And how can you use the information from today's episode and translate it to value, translate it to something you can use in your life? 


 Let’s start just by answering this question:


Is there something that you want to do, that you have been meaning to do? That you have a desire to do, and yet you just can’t get yourself to do it?  Or you just can’t get yourself to do the things necessary in order to create a certain result in your life?  


The one key thing, tool, energy source you can use to get you there, is MOMENTUM.


By definition, momentum is the strength or force that something gains as it moves forward or progresses. And it describes how difficult it is to stop a moving object.  


Take the simple example of using momentum to fuel weight loss: momentum is key in losing weight and here’s why:


Momentum can play a powerful role in weight loss by building on small, consistent successes that create a snowball effect, making it easier to stay motivated and push toward larger goals. Here’s how:


1. Start Small: Begin with simple, manageable changes like drinking more water, exercising for just 5 minutes a day if you’re not working out at all, or reducing sugar intake. These small wins create an initial sense of achievement, giving you the motivation to keep going.


2. Build Consistency: Momentum grows through repetition. As you continue to make healthier choices each day, your progress becomes automatic, and this requires less willpower. This consistency helps establish habits, making it easier to stick with your routine, as it will require less energy to perform.  It’s as simple as the more you do it, the easier it becomes.  We all know this to be true.


3. Celebrate Progress: Each milestone, whether it's losing a pound or hitting a workout goal, fuels your belief that you can achieve your ultimate target. Recognizing progress keeps you motivated and strengthens your determination.


4.Harness Positive Energy: Success breeds confidence. As you see results, you’ll feel more energized and empowered to tackle bigger challenges, like increasing workout intensity or fine-tuning your diet. The more success you achieve, the more motivated you become, creating a cycle of positive reinforcement.


5. Push Through Plateaus: Momentum can also help during periods when progress slows. By looking back at how far you’ve come, you can maintain the motivation to push through plateaus, trusting that the small actions you’re taking will eventually pay off.


Overall, using momentum in weight loss means leveraging your initial progress to keep moving forward, steadily building confidence and resilience until healthier habits become second nature.


Next I want to talk about how and why I even came up with the name of this podcast.  So I spent a lot of time thinking about a name for this podcast.  And during this time, I had been thinking a lot about the power of momentum and thinking to myself how much momentum I was gaining to finally turn my dream of producing my very own podcast into a reality.  Then, one day, as I was reading my daily devotional, “Daily Word”, I turned to a page that was dog-eared.  


That’s what it’s called, dog-eared, right?  You know when you fold the top corner of a page down so that you can remember where you want to come back to.  


Anyway, I came to this page that was dog-eared, and all I could see was the word “Mom”.  When I flipped the corner of the page up it revealed the full word “momentum”.  And I was like, Oh my gosh.  That’s it.  This podcast is specifically for moms, about motherhood, with the goal of empowering moms.  


And this idea of momentum kept coming up for me and I believed that’s what I was trying to achieve. And at the time, it was like I was riding this wave of momentum in my life. Like I finally figured out what I needed to do and I was finally doing the things that I needed to do to bring this thing to life.  


And I wanted this podcast to be that fuel, that momentum, for moms who feel stuck, or they feel lost or alone.  For those that feel sad,l isolated, and maybe unfulfilled.  For those who are searching for purpose and yet they’re frequently stopped or slowed down by doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, or guilt.  And also for those women who are ready to just uplevel their life, they're just ready to be better, to make changes, and live life to their full potential.


So I thought to myself, what is essential to moving forward and gaining progress?  It’s momentum.  So I was like that’s it, that word momentum is the one word that perfectly describes the underlying message of this podcast. You want progress in any area in your life?  You want to be a better parent?  You want to lose weight?  You want a promotion at work?  You want a better relationship?  You want to be more organized?  You want to manage your time better?  You want to find that inner peace?  The key to getting there is momentum.  It is the fuel source we need to keep moving forward and making progress. And when we find it, once we are in it, the less energy we must create on our own to pursue those goals and to continue those healthy habits, routines, rituals what have you. 


Ok so if momentum is what we are after, if momentum is the fuel source to what we ultimately want in life, how do we get it?


Here are 4 steps you can take today that will give you the momentum you need to catapult you to where you want to be:


1. Get clear on what you want and why you want it.  Before you can even take action it is essential to really get clear on what it is that you want, what you are working towards.  First, it will help guide your actions so you know what are the necessary steps you must take next.  And second, you don’t want to climb up the top of the mountain only to get there and realize you have climbed the wrong mountain.  Meaning.  You don’t want to put all of the time and energy into something only to get there and realize this isn’t actually what you wanted.


2. Break down the steps that you need to take to achieve what it is that you are working towards.  And make it as simple as possible.  We are first working on getting the momentum, and the key to momentum is really just getting started.  And the hardest part is just getting started. So you want to lower that activation energy, the energy required for you to get started.  So if you are putting together a list of things that you need to do and you notice yourself feeling overwhelmed, that’s your cue to scale back.  Just think of 1 thing that you can do that would help you move closer to your goal?  For example: start with just 5 minutes of doing whatever it is you need to do.  So 5 minutes of working out.  Maybe spending 5 minutes reading a book.  Or 5 minutes of meditation.  You have 5 minutes.  And if you work on doing this consistently the 5 minutes will add up.  For example if you read a book for 5 minutes a day and you are consistent with it, eventually there is going to come the day when you have completed that book, and that feeling of accomplishment will be so sweet that you will want to do more. Especially because now you have created the evidence that it is possible for you.


3.  Ok, so once you have figured out your next steps, or step, because you don’t want to get overwhelmed, since that will just impede your progress, now it’s time for the most important, CRUCIAL STEP, which is to Take action.  Just get started.  Just start somewhere.  In the beginning, where you start doesn’t even matter, you can always course correct later.  What we are looking for is momentum, forward progress.  Just know that even if you make a mistake, or even if this one action item isn’t exactly going to get you the most “bang for your buck” so to speak, as long as it’s moving you forward, that’s all that matters.  If you make a mistake, know that even that is moving you forward because then you will have knowledge you wouldn’t have ever gained had you not taken any action at all.

4.  Rinse and repeat. As Tony Robbins always says, “Repetition is the mother of skill” and the more you do it, the easier it becomes and the less energy it will take from you to complete, leaving you with more energy for other things.  And not only that, but the momentum is fuel.  It will energize you, and fuel your actions.


  Alright, friends, that’s a wrap for today’s episode on momentum! I hope this conversation gave you some practical insights and sparked a fire in you to start building momentum in your own life, whether it’s for weight loss, being more present with your kids, or chasing that big,hairy, audacious goal you’ve been holding back on.


Remember, momentum isn’t something that magically appears—it’s something you create by taking small, consistent steps forward. Whether it’s a 5-minute workout or reading a few pages of that self-development book, those little actions will compound over time. And soon, you’ll find that it takes less energy to keep going because you’re being propelled by the progress you’ve already made.


So, I challenge you today: What is that one thing you’ve been putting off that you know deep down you want to achieve? Take that first step, no matter how small, and watch how momentum will fuel the rest of your journey.  And I would love to hear what you are working on.  Get that accountability!  Make the commitment and share what your first step will be either by sending me a DM or posting on social media and tagging me!


Thanks for tuning in to The Mom-entum Podcast! If you loved this episode or if you have your own momentum story, I’d love to hear from you. Be sure to share it with me on social media, and don’t forget to subscribe, so you never miss an episode. 


Until next time, keep moving forward, keep building that momentum, and keep showing up for yourself. You’ve got this! I’ll talk to you next week, bye!

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